God didn’t make all scorpions the same. Some he equipped with a stinging tail, but others he supplied with a different form of defense. The scorpion in the picture is an arachnid called the Whip Scorpion. It gets its name from the long antennae behind its body.The antennae doesn’t sting, but this scorpion whips it around enough to frighten most human intruders.
Worldwide there are over 100 types of Whip Scorpions. The largest is found in our desert southwest under rocks and debris during the day. At night it hunts and feeds.It uses its front two legs and pincers to capture its prey, but it defends itself with an amazing weapon. It has an acid cannon on the small rear appendage which holds the antennae. An acid cannon! It can fire its cannon at any enemy approaching its body from any direction.
The liquid it fires from its cannon is 84% acetic acid. This acid is what gives vinegar its tart taste, distinctive smell, and corrosive strength. Table vinegar has an acetic acid content of 5-8%. 84% acetic acid is toxic to all living creatures… so how does this Scorpion store this acid without being effected by the toxicity? Well... It doesn’t store it as an acid. Through a complex process stored liquids and chemicals mix to become acetic acid just as the fluid leaves the cannon.
But there is still a problem. Most of this scorpion’s enemies have lipid (water insoluble) infused armor. Acetic acid is water based and would just roll off the attacker if it wasn’t also mixed with caprylic acid. This acid causes the fluid to spread and penetrate the enemies wax armor. Again... complex systems working together and dependent on each other is solid evidence of a creator.
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