This has always been one of the most intriguing passages for me. Think of it… if you had been with Jesus walking along the fishing docks among the working class poor would you have guessed that this is where He would choose His closest team members? If the modern day pollsters and pundits had been advising Him I don’t think they would have sent Him to the docks. He would need connected men… men who could make things happen.
It is worth noting that Paul, the only Jewish insider Jesus ever appointed as an Apostle, was sent to places where he had no connections. He worked with people groups who didn’t know anything about him.
None of these fishermen would have been movers and shakers. They were all outsiders or, as some would refer to them today, "consumers" in both the religious and political circles. But, when you think about it, what knowledge, wisdom, or power could Jesus not give His servants? He said, "I will make you to become…” He chose them and then made them "to become", and He can and does do the same thing today.
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