Over the years I have served in various offices in city government. I’ve never heard the word “invisible” used about city, state, or the federal government. People seem to automatically expect government to be visible. Imagine the usefulness of an “invisible” police department, city council, or court. All the issues we deal with in municipal government are visible: roads, sewers, services, staff, law enforcement, etc. The Bible teaches that civil government is rooted in the spiritual, but the spiritual roots of government are seen in physical realities. Romans 13:1-7
Does Jesus have a government on earth? Yes… While Jesus was here on earth He organized a visible government, and called it His church. In this Bible text He chose men who were to become some of His first governmental officers. He formed His government, then commissioned it with laws, authority, offices, and purpose. Through the years His power has kept His government alive and active in this world. A Church is a visible government tasked with physical responsibilities that are rooted in spiritual authority, power, and guidance. It is no more “invisible” than civil government. Its spiritual roots can be seen in physical realities. Matthew 28:18-20
If you want to make your life count for God in this world, be an active member of a sound, Bible teaching church. If you need help finding one drop me a note. You can also read some helpful posts on church life by selecting church in my subject index.
Excellent post and writing style. Bookmarked.