The sensory cells we use to locate objects are found generally in our eyes and ears. Touch helps to some degree as does smell. But these are not the only location cells God created.
Imagine being able to “see” something without your eyes. Imagine sensing its size and exact location without touch or sight. There are some animals, mostly fish, which can do just that. They have electrolocation cells. There are basically two types of electrolocation cells: cells making up organs which send electric waves or pulses, and receptor cells which sense electric fields. These cells are all part of a complex system that involves much more than just these cells.
Here’s how it works: when another animal comes into the range of this self-produced electric field, the electric properties of the field are altered. The receptor cells sense the change and send signals to the brain, which then locates the intruding animal. The brain also determines its size and other details about the animal. Some scientists believe these animals can electrically “see” in 3d.
This system is also used for navigation, communication, and defense. Some animals, like the torpedo fish, use electric generation organs to shock. The Torpedo shock was used by ancient physicians to relieve headaches and gout. Others, like sharks, have receptor cells that can sense weak bioelectrical fields generated by other animals. This is another complex system designed and produced by an amazing creator!
Torpedo shocks can help my gout! I'm going to Petsmart and buying me one of those fish. :) amazing stuff...A Genius HE is!